петак, 17. јануар 2014.

The Science of Happiness

The Science of Happiness
January 15 by in Health, Lifestyle |

The Science of Happiness

Everyone could use more happiness; we are never truly 100% happy with our lives. If you want to know the science of happiness and how to be more happy, this infographic does a great job of breaking it down for you. The hippocampus is the area of the brain that is responsible for happiness and memories, so you really should know how to feed and nurture it to help boost your mood in down times.
Can you guess what the top four happiest occupations are in the world? What about the two countries with the most optimistic people, or the two countries with the most satisfied people are? The answers, which can be found on the infographic, may surprise you.
As you probably already know, the country you live in has a lot to do with how happy you are. The happiest people in the world happen to live in Iceland, Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands and Australia. So a move from one country to another could be all you need to really give yourself a happiness boost.
Other things that can help include getting more exercising, sleeping more (if you’re not sleeping enough) and helping out in your community. What methods do you use to increase your happiness and boost your mood?

source- http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/the-science-happiness.html?utm_source=Lifehack&utm_campaign=4be26f7279-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_983e966a3e-4be26f7279-414870493

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