недеља, 12. јануар 2014.

My Hope for You: How to Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life

My Hope for You: How to Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life

In a world where so many people focus on the bad instead of the good, the ugly instead of the beautiful, on scarcity instead of abundance, fear instead of love, I hope you’ll dare to do things differently. I hope you’ll dare to smile when others frown, to believe when others doubt and to love when others fear…
I wrote this piece today. I call it My Hope for You. Hope you like it :)

My Hope for You

“I hope you’ll put aside all your fears and insecurities and I hope you’ll find the courage to take risks and make all your dreams come true.
I hope you’ll find the courage to lose sight of the shore so that you can discover new oceans.
I hope you’ll let go of all thoughts of limitation and I hope you’ll stop settling for less than you are worth.
I hope you’ll start believing in yourself as much as you want the world to believe in you.
I hope you’ll pour your love into everything you do and I hope you’ll make your life a work of art.
I hope you’ll learn to smile more and frown less; to trust more and doubt less; to feel more and think less; to listen more and talk less.
I hope you’ll give yourself permission to stop taking yourself so seriously and enjoy life a little more.
I hope you’ll give yourself permission to be silly and weird, to laugh when you feel like laughing and to cry when you feel like crying.
I hope you’ll cleanse your inner vision until you see nothing but light, your own and of those around you.
I hope you’ll stop chasing love and approval outside of you and start seeking your own love and approval instead.
I hope you’ll always keep a humble heart and no matter how bad the world will treat you, I hope you’ll look at it with eyes of love.
I hope you’ll learn to treat everyone with love and respect and I hope you’ll make every person you come in contact with feel that there is something valuable in them.
I hope you’ll surround yourself with the best kind of people, positive and cheerful spirits, beautiful and loving souls.
I hope you’ll love with all your heart and no matter if you’ll get hurt, lied or betrayed, I hope you’ll never lose your faith in love.
I hope you’ll put aside all thoughts of envy and jealousy and look at those who already accomplished many of the things you wish to accomplish with respect and admiration.
I hope you’ll learn to honor and embrace yourself fully, and I hope you’ll love yourself as much as you want others to love you.
I hope you’ll learn to forgive and let go of all thoughts of anger and resentment, and I hope you’ll allow peace, love and tranquility to enter your heart.
I hope you’ll let go of the past and all the pain that it caused you, and I hope you’ll allow it to make you better not bitter.
I hope you’ll find the strength to turn your wounds into wisdom and all your difficulties into opportunities.
I hope you’ll learn to be grateful for every experience life sends your way.
I hope you’ll allow your so called mistakes and failures to teach you gratitude, patience, humility and compassion, and I hope you’ll put all thoughts of blame, judgement and criticism behind you.
I hope you’ll become a reflection of that which you want to see in the world and I hope you’ll make the rest of your life the best of your life.”
Happy New Year everyone! Wishing you all a Happy New Year filled with love, beauty, abundance, happiness and inner peace. Thank you for being a faithful readers and for constantly working on improving yourselves, your life and the world around you.
This is for you, Luci :)
With all my love,


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