петак, 28. фебруар 2014.

Očekivao sam više od tebe, Srbijo

Očekivao sam više od tebe, Srbijo

Nisam dobar u previše stvari. Volim da se krećem, pričam, družim, analiziram i gledam da mi posao bude prožet tim stvarima. Uspevam, ali taj uspeh je prečesto bolan i dovodi do razočaravanja onih koje volite.  A onda sledi kukanje, koje i sam mrzim najviše na svetu ali upražnjavam, kukanje zbog prevelikih očekivanja koje imam nastalih zbog prevelikih priča koje su me kružile kada sam bio znatno mlađi, o uspehu, novcu, lakoći življenja… Kukanje  protiv zemlje koju volim, ali ne mogu da kažem da me nije razočarala.

Photo: nicdalic
Kukanje u Srbiji nije novost, već svakodnevnica, stanje svesti, stanje nacije. Kuka se kad se ima i kad se nema, kao i u svim situacijana između. Zadovoljavanje svoje unutrašnje savesti ili odbrambeni zid za sve one koji bi vam nekad zatražili pozajmicu, razlozi su mnogi a posledice retko preispitane. Najednom se samo uhvatimo u toj kolotečini. Međutim nije to tako neočekivano, pre ili kasnije shvatimo da svet koji su nam obećavali nije tako šaren, već više crno beli ispis tonera koji je pri kraju, i koji ne obećava previše. Naš toner je odavno prazan…
Počinje sa školovanjem. Uče vas o tome kako trebate da budete vredni, poslušni i dobri. Radite puno i vaš rad će biti nagrađen. Ako budete dovoljno dobri posle 4 do 5 godina stećićete diplomu, odmah će vas sačekati i dobro plaćen posao, perspektiva, prilika da se skućite i oformite svoju porodicu. O dobroti sam već pisao (nije me daleko dovela) a korak posle iste čeka nas ŠAMAR. Lepo je što ste bili vredni, ali moramo da vas obavestimo posla trenutno nema.
Nemati posao je neverovatan izvor frustracije. Život na tuđoj grbači zvuči zanimljivo prosečnom tinejdžeru ali kada pređete dvadesetu, pridike jednako frustriranih roditelja vam ne prolaze kroz uši tako lako kao pre. Kap koja prelila čašu na putu ka bezizlaznoj depresiji predstavlja i 5-6 godina ispiranja raznoraznim beskorisnim i nepraktičnim znanjima koja Vas vode u bolje sutra. Znanja koja nam pružaju mogućnost da radimo sve, osim nešto konkretno, nabacana tako da testiraju naše mentalne kapacitete ali ne i nauče nas da radimo nešto konkretno. Više smo na nivou koncepta nego nečeg realno upotrebljivog. Iz toga nastaje:

Problem 1: Nepostojanje prakse

Idiotski je učiti hiljade stvari ako ne možete da ih aplicirate na konkretnu situaciju. Primenjeno znanje je jedino koje ostaje, definicije koje se vezuju za aktivnost daju pun efekat a to kod nas ne postoji. Fakulteti ne insistiraju na praksama, veza sa privredom i formiranje kadrova prema potrebama iste ne postoje i tako malo po malo dobijamo isfrustriranu naciju.
Nije da ne postoje šanse na tržištu, ali mi jednostavno ne znamo kako da ih iskoristimo. Pogađajte, ni to nas nisu učili, nije imalo mesta pored silnih udžbenika koji se namenski pišu da imaju što više strana kako bi uvećali dobit njihovih autora. Rekli su nam da će nas po završetku faksa čekati siguran posao i slagali nas, a usput nisu obratili pažnju na…

Problem 2: Nedostatak stimulacije za osnivanje sopstvenog biznisa

Vidite, posla stvarno nema ali slobodno tržište je prilika za svakoga. Otvorite svoju firmu, napravite vizitke i sajt, ne košta puno a utire put ka zvezdama. I posle vam kolač u tiganju zvuči nemoguće?
U trenutku kada u državi realno nema kapaciteta za nova radna mesta rešenje bi moglo da bude u podsticanju preduzetništva, ali odakle uopšte bilo kojoj mladoj osobi ideja da je tako nešto moguće. Jednostavno, edukacija i podsticanje mladih na pokretanje sopstvenog biznisa ne postoji, niti je naša zemlja generalno prijateljski nastrojena prema bilo kome ko želi da radi “na belo”. Čak i ako niste neko ko čeka da po uručenoj diplomi posao bude serviran na gotovo, i hoćete da probate nešto svoje (a trebate jer mlade osobe bujaju od ideja) shvatićete da je to skupa igra i odustati. Ne postoji startup kultura i podrška mladih ljudi, makar one nekolicine koja je bila dovoljno hrabra.

Na svom primeru mogu vam reći da su mi trenutni mesečni troškovi, koji podrazumevaju plaćanje najosnovnijih doprinosa državi, stana u Beogradu i onoga što pretekne za život oko 700-800 eur mesečno. Po poslednjim statistikama to su 2 prosečne plate u Srbiji, za onaj posao koji Vas čeka “na gotovo”. Ok rećićete, ne moraš da živiš u Beogradu, baviš se Internetom i tebi je svejedno. Nije baš, određeni preduslovi ovog posla jesu da se bude i na mestu zbivanja i odatle novi trošak, ali analiza troškova i nije ideja ovog teksta koliko skretanje pažnje na nemogućnost pomeranja sa mrtve tačke.
Na sve ovo treba dodati i činjenicu da vas niko neće potapšati po ramenu za to što ste krenuli u samoubilački poduhvat. Naprotiv rećiće da ste budala jer radite za državu, da vaš avion nikada neće poleteti i naručiti još jedno pivo ispred prodavnice dok čekaju da im se jave sa biroa. A prilikom osnivanja firme (makar u Ivanjici) će vas jako čudno gledati, pitati za koga to radite i čime se bavite kao i otkud to da osnivate firmu.
Pazite, ne očekujem da će neko da mi ljubi cipele ili diže spomenik zbog toga što osnivam firmu, ali neki vid podrške bi morao da postoji kada već nacionalno nismo preduzetni. Razlog zašto želim da odem u USA baš jeste prilika da osetim kako funkcioniše društvo uređeno prema biznis principima. Prema pričama (neću da tvrdim dok ne vidim) biznis je pokretač Amerike, a najuspešniji u njemu imaju podjednak status kao i sportske ili muzičke zvezde. Najbolji dokaz tome je i Gary Vaynerchuck i njegovo prisustvo na AskMen-ovoj listi najuticajnijih ljudi. Onlajn vinopija se nešto pita, ljudi se ugledaju na njega i čitaju njegove knjige a takav status u Srbiji eventualno imaju kriminalci, pevači i tajkuni. Uporedite te dve stvari i biće vam jasno zašto smo tu gde jesmo. Hoću da osetim tu energiju jednom i probam da uradim nešto više znajući da nije greh ne otići na pivo ako imate nešto važno da obavite. Kažu da menjanje zemlje neće promeniti moje navike, ali mislim da vredi probati…

Bonus problem: Neisticanje, odbijanje ideje neuspeha i nepreuzimanje rizika

Odavno imam jedan hobi, a to je da teram sebe u propast. Posao u Adria Mediji mi je bio fenomenalan. Klasičan srpski, fleksibilno radno vreme, ok ekipa, ok plata. Međutim kada imate 24-25 godina to baš i ne treba da vam bude motiv koliko sopstveni napredak. Sigurica posao neće biti tu zauvek a ako morate da roknete glavom u zid bolje je da to uradite sa 25 nego 10 godina kasnije sa kreditom za stan i troje prelepe dece. Komentari na moju odluku da napustim ovaj posao su bili uglavnom jako neafirmativni i išli u smeru da sam razmažena budala koja očekuje da će mu neko ponuditi direktorsku stolicu, retki su oni koji su razumeli pravi razlog.
Druga stvar vezana za siguricu jeste činjenica da ne terate sebe do limita do kog možete već se usklađujete sa sistemom po principu linije manjeg otpora. Tako imate 70% ljudi koji ne rade na poslu gotovo ništa osim što kukaju kako ceo dan rade. Ne razvijate se, stojite u mestu i postajete sve manje konkuretni kroz godine. O tome niko ne razmišlja jer im je to sigurno, jer se tako ne ističu i ne preuzimaju odgovornost u slučaju neuspeha. To nepreuzimanje odgovornosti nam je takođe nacionalno, mala sredina čini da se i razvodi jedva dešavaju zbog glasa naroda, a eventualni neuspeh bi bio ocenjen kao klasična kataklizma i uništavanje porodičnih vrednosti građenih poslednjih 5 miliona godina. Glupost, ne plašite se da popušite, svaki popuš je jedno ogromno iskustvo iz kog izlazite pametniji i jači (uglavnom). Ako mi ne verujete pogledajte Džordanovu reklamu.  Komentare drugih ostavite sa strane, imajte na umu da oni moraju da pričaju o nečemu uz ono pivo.

Za kraj, draga moja Srbijo

Posle ovih 25 godina, moram priznati da sam očekivao više od tebe, Srbijo. Ok, priče iz detinjstva jesu bile prenapumpane, mi nemamo kosmodrom, ali pakleno sam se trudio da bih došao do ovde pa i dalje nema naznaka svetla da nas ohrabri, već naprotiv gustina tame čini da se sve češće pitam o svrsi truda. Jeste, rekli su da će biti teško, ali niko nije rekao da neće biti vredno. Prihvatio sam da neću ništa dobiti na gotovo i da moram sam da se iscimam. Prihvatio sam i uvrede usled svih nepopijenih piva zbog posla, i kritike klijenata usled svih popijenih zbog ortaka. Zagrizao sam i jaja i probao nešto svoje, udaranje glavom u zid prihvatio kao realnost ali ne znam koliko ću dugo. A ako odem, zamolio bih te samo jednu stvar… Nemoj da me pitaš zašto…

source: http://www.eniax.net/ocekivao-sam-vise-od-tebe-srbijo/

четвртак, 27. фебруар 2014.

25 Excellent Online Resources To Learn Web Design Smarter

25 Excellent Online Resources To Learn Web Design Smarter

Technology February 13 by
Web design is not such a difficult and undertaking process anymore. With ever-growing online communities and the rise of the new Web technologies, the concept is now simplified and easy to handle. You can choose to work with a vast array of both local and online software. There is an infinite number of resources you can use to inform yourself about the upcoming trends in web design.
However, being that we all have informational freedom on the web, it’s easy to get weighed down with non-relevant, repetitive, or surprisingly dull information. Here is a list of valuable online resources where you can study web design, and also follow the latest trends.

1. Lynda

For a fresh web designer, lynda.com should become that little voice in the head that answers all your questions. Here, you can find plenty of resources relevant to the design niche. Lynda.com has a huge amount of online courses that can be filtered to suit both the specific topic, the software you are using, and your skill level. Currently, there are over 23,000 video tutorials on design in general. The membership fee is $25 on a monthly basis.

2. TreeHouse

TreeHouse is also a video tutorial-based website. Video tutorials are professionally produced, and cover all aspects of both web design and web development. TreeHouse has a user friendly interface and website navigation is done with ease. This website also charges a membership fee of $25 on a monthly basis for a basic subscription.

3. Smashing Magazine

Smashing magazine is where you can find out about the latest trends in both web development and web design. The website content is filled with relevant and up-to-date information concerning the latest design ideas and the necessary software for their realization. It is a great source of valuable information on front-end design techniques and approaches.

4. SitePoint

This is a highly popular Australian company that sells books on web design and development. Their website is filled with useful and free tutorials related to web design. SitePoint’s content is adapted to tech savvy users, so it is recommended that you have some basic knowledge about the subject at hand before approaching this website.

5. Webdesigntuts+

Tuts+ is a project launched by Envato, with the idea to help designers, and developers. On this project, users share, discuss, and improve their skills. Webdesigntuts+ can be considered a “holy gathering” of the most brilliant minds in commercial web design and development. Here, you can find a great deal of useful, step-by-step tutorials that make some difficult techniques much easier to swallow.

6. Konigi

Visit Konigi to find news, resources and tools for user interface web design. Here, you can find references to the website style guides for large corporations, as well as editorial and quality guidelines and standards. One of the most popular guideline references they have is the BBC style guide.

7. UXBooth

Here, you will find all the necessary resources and information related to the user experience, ranging from interface and content design, to analysis and strategies. You will also find the philosophy behind it all. UXBooth is recommended for both fresh and experienced web designers.

8. Stack Overflow

Stack Overflow is a Q&A based website recommended for more experienced users. Web design and development cannot come to pass without coding, so if you’re ever stuck with something, Stack Overflow is the best place to look for an answer.

9. W3Schools

Here, you will find all the necessary codes alongside various examples and usages for them. These are things such as margins, lines, typography options, and more. It is, by far, the greatest code library on the web, and a place where every troublesome piece of code can be found, defined, and tested.

10. Sidebar.io

Sidebar provides you with five links to highly relevant and fresh design topics each day. Rather than clicking a link in your bookmarks tab, you can subscribe to Sidebar and receive a daily newsletter.

11. Niice

Niice is a design search engine. Based on your search, it pulls resources from Dribbble, Behance, and Designspiration, and collects them in a grid layout. It is a perfect resource for those of you who lack inspiration.

12. Creattica

Creattica is another project powered by Envato. It is an inspirational gallery where you can find the best and latest works of photographers, artists, and designers from all around the world. It is a great place to go when you are lacking creative juice, and it is a powerful source of information about the latest design trends.

13. Place It

You know all those images with people holding phones, tablets and laptops with various product images on them? Instead of wasting time downloading images, cropping, skewing and resizing, you can just simply use this online tool and create your own, in a matter of minutes.

14. CompFight

Compfight is an image search engine which pulls resources from Flickr. Find a suitable image for your webpage design, and then download it. Many images are free, but some require payment, depending on the copyright.

15. Colours in Cultures chart

This is an important piece of information for every web designer. According to the concept of your website design, and the geographical location of your targeted audience, you can use this chart to choose the best colour scheme.

16. Colour Code

This is an online based tool that will help you generate a hexadecimal string of colour code. Colour picking is one of the most common processes in web design. Bookmarking this page will allow you to easily choose the right colour for your web elements.

17. Dimensions

Dimensions is a helpful Google Chrome extension that will help you view your webpage on various devices, ranging from small mobile phones and tablets to laptops and PCs with large scale displays. This can be done by simply re-sizing your browser window also, but with this extension, you can use pre-defined, commonly used dimensions for almost any device model and type.

18. Buttons

Crafting web buttons is technically easy. However, it is also a process which can be completely avoided. Instead of designing a single button from scratch and wasting too much time on details, you can simply use this web tool to create, design, and customize buttons. Alternatively, you can pick a predefined button from the list, and download it.

19. Icon Handbook

You can use Icon Handbook as a reference for the icon dimensions as viewed from various devices, ranging from small devices with retina displays to laptops and PCs. Determine icon sizes, depending on the type of browser, or operating system. Icon Handbook will help you expand your resource list, thus making your website design completely responsive.

20. Freebiesbug

This is a valuable resource for all web designers. Here, you can find almost any element, function, or feature that you need for your design, ranging from Photoshop elements to codes, and all the plugins needed for these elements to work.

21. What the Font

What the Font is a free online tool that’s great for discovering the font type. Instead of going through the trouble of contacting web admins or designers to name the font that caught your eye, simply snip an image, upload it and wait for the results. There is no precise way of knowing which font was used on a specific page, but this tool has an 85% accuracy rate.

22. Font squirrel

Here, you can find fonts of any type, for any intended text on the webpage, and download them for free. There are numerous filters on the site to help you find the one that suits your webpage.

23. Type Wonder

With Type Wonder, you can try out numerous font types without having to change them in the code. Just type in the URL, choose the font type you want to try, and let the magic happen. If you are satisfied with what you see, get the code and copy it to whichever text element you want it on.

24. Lipsum

Lorem Ipsum is dummy text, commonly used to fill the space marked for textual content. It is visually better for presentation than the usual “Text Here,” wouldn’t you agree? With this tool, you can generate text that can be as long as you need for your example page.

25. IM Creator

This is a free website builder with tons of website templates and webpage elements. The best part of IM Creator–everything is done by drag-and-drop. You can test your skills here, practice with various designs and even create your personal website design examples, which you can use to boost your starting portfolio. You can create fully standalone websites with a registered domain, practice your skills and ideas on it, and then use it to showcase of your work.

10 Ways to Help Your Child Build Self-Esteem

10 Ways to Help Your Child Build Self-Esteem

Family Lifestyle February 25 by
Anyone who has kids knows that they are both a magical blessing and a constant source of stress. Raising children requires a lot of work—just feeding, cleaning and dressing them takes up a good chunk of a parent’s time, and that’s before we even begin to teach them about the world.  It is important to pass on good values to our little ones, but even more importantly, we want them to feel confident in their abilities and to have a realistic, yet positive self-image. If you want to help your child build self-esteem, try out some of these strategies.

1. Talk to your child and find out if there are any problems.

Effective communication is essential for building healthy and lasting relationships. Being a child is exiting, confusing and even scary at times, so your child may have a lot of questions about the world as well as fears and doubts. Other kids might be mean to your child, the child may feel inadequate in certain ways, and he or she may feel insecure about their body or intimidated by social interactions. It is important to establish trust and let the child tell you why it may feel unsure of itself, so you can work together on finding a solution.

2. Help your child find an activity he or she feels passionate about.

Some people are born with an incredible voice; some have a good ear for music; others have the bone structure and musculature that can make them a great athlete; and some have a vast imagination and a flare for story-telling. Find out what your child’s natural talents are and help them engage in activities they find the most fun.

Dancing, painting, playing an instrument or something more pragmatic like math are all good options—just make sure that your child is motivated. As the child begins to develop a higher level of skill, his or her self-esteem will shoot through the roof.

3. Be forgiving to others and show your child that compassion is a great virtue.

Everyone makes mistakes; it’s a part of maturing and a necessary step in attaining wisdom. By practicing forgiveness, you let your child now that, although what they did was wrong for a number of reasons, it’s quite alright to make a mistake every now and then.

It also shows them that even though people sometimes argue and feelings get hurt, reconciliation is possible with a little bit of compromise and empathy. Your child will learn this lesson from you and start practicing forgiveness in their daily life.

4. Teach your child to focus on building meaningful relationships, look for happiness in small things and strive for success.

Many people attain a certain level of wealth, power and skill, yet they never conquer their fears and remain unsure of themselves. Teach your child about the value of true friendship and how others can help make you stronger. Teach them to turn to the hundreds of positive little things in life when looking for happiness and to be ambitious and persistent.

Failure is just an opportunity to come back even stronger and with good friends there to back you up, even your darkest moments can seem a bit brighter. There is no better way to help your child build high self-esteem than to show them the value of having others who believe in you.

5. Teach children to set attainable goals.

Wanting to be the first man on Mars, a world famous ballerina or a movie star are very ambitious goals and show just how creative your child can be, but they may be unattainable. It’s not a good idea to shower your child with praise all the time and give them an unrealistic image of themselves and their abilities. Let them give anything a shot, but if they clearly aren’t meant to be a singer, don’t hesitate to tell them that. Be easy on them and offer alternatives. Help them formulate some short-term goals that are easily attainable with some hard work and have these smaller goals build up to something more long-term but still within reach.

For example, if you sign them up for a dance class, their short-term goals could be to master certain moves and practice at least 2 hours every day, while a bigger goal might be to place high in a local dance competition. Eventually, they could strive to improve and win some larger competitions in a few years and perhaps become a dance instructor when they grow up. As they start achieving goal after goal, they will feel more confident and happier.

6. Teach your child how to be organized and how to study for best results.

Many people believe that studying is all about sitting down and staring at a book for hours. This can lead to a child feeling frustrated and believing that he or she isn’t smart enough to learn a subject. Being organized is a skill that can be learned. A child needs a good balance between studying, doing their chores and having fun—a balance that can only be achieved by organizing their time effectively. Some subjects can be more difficult for a child than others and they may have problems when they feel they are racing against a clock. Tests in particular can be stressful and take all the fun out of learning.

Luckily there are many online resources available for preparing your child for standardized exams so they can feel more relaxed and sure of themselves. You should also try to make learning somewhat fun—documentaries, movies, video games and practical examples can work wonders to get kids interested in a particular subject.

7. Enroll your child in classes that focus on physical activity.

A healthy mind in a healthy body, as the old saying goes. Getting a good deal of physical exercise during the day is not only beneficial to your child’s health, but can also help them develop strong and agile body that they can be proud of.

Looking good and feeling good will help your child build self-esteem, while playing a sport will enable them to be around like-minded kids and improve their social skills.

8. Play with your child whenever you get the chance.

Some emotional and physical contact with others on a daily basis is very important for a child. Devote some time to listening to their stories, engage in some creative activities and teach them some valuable skills in the process.

Anything can be made into a game, so you have plenty of opportunity to get your child used to teamwork, problem solving and expressing themselves freely.

9. Become a good role-model by practicing what you preach

Kids simply soak up information from their immediate surroundings and they will turn to you as their main source of information on acceptable behavior. Monkey see, monkey do is their main strategy. Be sure that you show your child how one should behave through actions; don’t just tell them what they should do and then do the very things you instructed them not to do.

If your child sees that their parents aren’t afraid to express themselves, that they try to be good to others and are very social and open with other people, the child will emulate this confident behavior in their lives.

10. Teach your child about responsibilities and the value of hard work.

A child shouldn’t be held to the same high standards as adults, but they should understand that their actions affect others and that there are people who count on them. If the child understands why it’s necessary for them to do their chores and that it takes hard work to earn a living, he or she will have a different outlook on life. Children are often happy to help out their parents and feel proud when they contribute. Older kids can look after smaller kids during the day, a child can help their parents in the kitchen, they can help with home repairs (even if it just means handing tools to dad), and they can clean the house and help organize events like family reunions and Thanksgiving.

This way, they know that they are capable of a lot of things and that people rely on them, which builds character and helps your child build self-esteem.
When it comes to helping your kids build self-esteem, it’s important to remember to communicate, spend some time with your child and allow them to make their own choices, while at the same time nudging them in the right direction.

source: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/10-ways-help-your-child-build-self-esteem.html?utm_source=Lifehack&utm_campaign=652b80da48-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_983e966a3e-652b80da48-414870493

Top Tools That Improve Your Education

Top Tools That Improve Your Education

Productivity February 25 by
Today’s students don’t need to buy massive and expensive sets of encyclopedias. Everything they need and want to learn can be found online. The information revolution is coming, that’s why a range of media tools can be found now. The Internet has many great things to offer, but it’s also filled with misinformation and falsity, so you need to be careful which websites you choose as your learning resources.
To help you find the right resources without bumping into wrong websites, we will list some of the most trusted online destinations that will help you gain the knowledge you need.

1. TutorsClass

Online platform TutorsClass is the place where some of the best tutors are situated. You don’t have to schedule individual tutoring sessions that cost a lot of money with little to no progress to show for it. The virtual classroom provided by TutorsClass is a much more convenient learning environment because online tutors use motivating tools and methods that will help you understand the lectures more easily.

2. TED

Every student should know about TED – the place where experts from various industries give lectures or speeches associated to their specialty. Although the website is best known for the featured business lectures, you can find resources of almost all academic specialties. Whether you need materials for essays or you just want to learn more, TED is the first destination you should head to.

3. Writinghouse

The citation generator Writinghouse is the one that can easily help either teacher or student. We all know how difficult it is to remember all the monstrous rules and standards in formatting and writing work cited. But as many media tools have emerged, it’s not a problem anymore. You can just fill in the required spaces and get your bibliography cited in a moment.

4. Google Scholar

If you need to find academic material to use as resource for your project, the usual Google search may only confuse you because it will lead to many websites with unreliable content. That won’t happen if you use Google Scholar, which is a huge online library of academic essays. However, this search engine does take some time and practice to get used to because it’s sometimes difficult to find what you are looking for.

5. Open Culture

Open Culture is a website that features many articles useful for your education, but will also lead you to a library of free university courses. If you are interested in advancing your education, you can use this website to find free audio books, language lessons, textbooks, certificate courses, eBooks, business courses, and much more.

6. The Rosetta Project

This learning center is an archive of resources that help people learn new languages for free. The archive contains over 1000 languages you can choose from and start learning in an inspiring community setting. The Rosetta Project goes beyond that practical learning usage – it has been created to focus the attention on the issue of digital obsolescence by promoting creative archival storage methods as a way to address that problem.

7. YouTube

The value of YouTube goes outside the limits of cat videos, spamming and advertising. This popular website holds an immense educational value because it helps you find materials that are not contained in academic courses. Although YouTube does have a lot of false information to offer as well, you can find a way to use it wisely if you search for the right videos to watch.

8. Wibit.net

Learning how to program isn’t easy, but the two nerds who give lessons on this website will help you get the knowledge you need. The lessons start from the basics of programming and tell you where you can download programming software. The screen capture method is the best way to understand the steps and learn how to do your own magic.

9. Discovery

The Discovery Channel’s website offers huge amounts of free content that is useful for educative purposes. This is not a non-profit organization, so you should bear in mind that some of the offered materials require payment, but you can find great free resources as well.

10. BBC Learning

No list of online learning resources can go without BBC Learning, which offers educational resources for everyone’s interest. Children, parents, teachers, and adult learners can all learn with the help of this website. Some of the most popular subjects are science, religious studies, math, languages, history, art and design, business studies, and much more.

11. Project Gutenberg

Learning online is great, not only because it provides you with visual content that’s easier to remember, but also because it gives you valuable knowledge for free. Project Gutenberg is an amazing project that can save you a lot of money by enabling you to legally download the books you need without paying anything.

The Internet may have a lot of unnecessary and distracting content, but its educative value shouldn’t be underestimated. Today you have everything you need in the palm of your hand – all you need is the will to learn and devotion to your education. With the existence of the above-mentioned resources, it would be a shame to limit yourself to the boundaries of the conventional classroom.


24 Practical Tips To Make Your Résumé Perfect

24 Practical Tips To Make Your Résumé Perfect

Work February 25 by
This worksheet was designed by an attorney* to serve as a guide toward the design, structure, content, and delivery of a modern résumé. To enhance your learning experience, please read the worksheet in its entirety prior to applying these instructions to your own résumé and/or life experience (henceforth, referred to simply as, “Résumé”).

1. Start with a Decent Template

Here are a few sites to download résumé templates:
Microsoft: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/templates/results.aspx?ctags=CT010144894
Amazon: http://amzn.to/1aIYgnE
Word and PDF: http://www.resumetemplates.com/

2. Trust the Template

They were designed by professionals, and professionals like working with other professionals who listen to them…so, no…no, we’re not interested in your ideas at this time.

3. Stick to a One-Page Résumé

McDonald’s explains what they do in 400 characters and a pic (and we all have access to the same tool, so there’s no excuse).

4. Include Your Most Recent GPA

If we’re looking for a Master’s Degree, nobody cares about your high school GPA, your kindergarten grades, or what electives you chose.

5. List Your Latest Work First

Your McDonald’s Shift Leader position looks less and less impressive as you age, and your résumé should reflect that you’ve resumed your life since then. Speaking of which…

6. Exaggerate the Best Way Anyone Ever Has…Like, Ever

We all started at the bottom, so we’ve likely worked your position and know what it takes. Your résumé tells me what you learned about a situation I’ve already been through. Also, *I’m not actually a lawyer, but I’ve worked with plenty.

7. Sugarcoat Responsibly

Focus on your battles, and the way you recovered from losses. If you think you’re the first idiot who thought they were perfect, you’re destined to fail. Nobody will trust in your life…much less you in their lives.

8. Take Advantage of Section Headings

Do you see how simple this article looks? I sound professional with these tips (despite my snide remarks) because I’m following an easy-to-read format that slowly entices you to pay more attention. You didn’t think you’d actually learn something from this, did you?

9. Move Your References to a Separate Document

Mention that you have references, but don’t bother listing them. We’re more interested in what you know than who because the people you know aren’t as important as you think they are.

10. Lead with Active Verbs

The first word of every point you make should be some type of action you really want to drill into the reader’s head.

11. Utilize Every Word

Every keystroke matters; it shows your attention to detail, your craft – it shows what you’re capable of.

12. Doing What You Say You Do

With so little space, it’s vital to fit as many points in there as possible.

13. Link to Your Portfolio

If you send it digitally, the links will prove what you’re saying. If you’re printing your résumé on paper, it’ll at least provide intuitive access to your own portfolio.

14. Format as a PDF Unless Otherwise Told

Even the file format you use makes an impression on people. Every keystroke counts (including Enter when ending the file); never forget that.

15. Use a Dark Blue Font

It’s the absolute only color you should ever use in a résumé. Look at the President’s State of the Union. What color suit is worn most often by the politicians in the room whose one job is to appeal to everyone? You better learn about it.

16. Follow Conventions, but Don’t Sweat Them

Grammar Nazis are notorious for resuming their rigid regime of résumé regimens they believe everyone should follow. Understand that miner mistakes aren’t often noticed since they’re buried in solid structures and foundations. (See, did you even notice that?)

17. Match Your Résumé to Your LinkedIn Profile

[Grabs you by the ears and screams] Repeat after me: “My LinkedIn profile is my résumé, and my résumé is my LinkedIn profile.” It’s for better or worse at this point, folks, because we’re past the honeymoon phase with this company.

18. Update Your Résumé Every Six Months

You should resume updating your résumé, or you’ll forget important jobs you’ve done. Instead of showing a glimpse into your life, it’ll be a page of fluff.

19. Splurge on Paper

Men tend to tie their level of professionalism to what’s around their neck, but your best impression lies in the paper stock quality of your résumé. The fancier the paper, the less likely someone will be to throw it away without looking at it. It’s a psychological thing; just trust me on this.

20. Send It Out

You could have the best résumé in the world, but you’ll never get a job with it sitting on your computer (unless maybe your portfolio includes hacking).

21. End with Your Contact Info

Many people focus on having their contact info on the header. You want your name and location at the top, but your contact info at the bottom, along with your name and the closer.

22. Quote Statistics

Recent studies have shown that 73% of prospective employers love statistics in résumés; it’s the easiest way to relay to them that there are quantifiable results in your words. Don’t worry too much about the accuracy of your statistics – 67% of reference transactions are practically automated at this point, so I’m compelled to once again say grades don’t matter.

23. Paint by Numbers

The more numbers you use, the better. It helps people put an organizational order to the points you’re making much more easily than bullet points. Look at how the info is arranged when you input it on job search sites.

24. Inspire the Hire

You want to close everything you write with a call to order; you want your résumé to say, “This is who I am. Trust me. Choose me. Pay me. Because I get the job done.” And leave them salivating for more.
You may resume your regular regimen.

source: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/work/24-practical-tips-make-your-resume-perfect.html?utm_source=Lifehack&utm_campaign=652b80da48-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_983e966a3e-652b80da48-414870493