петак, 14. фебруар 2014.

Pure Love

Pure Love

February 13, 2014
Maui Flower2 Pure Love
Pure Love is the universal energy, the infinite life force that binds us together as one.
When we ask ourselves the question “What is Pure Love?” we often think of it as something we give to another and in many cases we feel that we can also take it away when we become disappointed.  Most of us have been conditioned to believe that love is something we have to earn and that it doesn’t come easy and it doesn’t come for free.  Many of us go through life searching for love outside of ourselves, viewing ourselves as separate and desperately trying to find our place in this world by making others love us.  We spend most of our adult lives chasing after material possessions that can only give us temporary pleasure, never truly understanding that this will only take us further away from our true nature.
When we feel lost or out of touch with who we are we start expressing ourselves from fear and feeling insignificant.  All of our actions are simply a projection of how we feel about ourselves.  No one ‘does’ anything to us, we do unto ourselves.
The moment we shift our awareness to the love that we are we naturally express ourselves as the loving beings that we were intended to be.  We love ourselves and others with no judgment, no expectations and no conditions.  When we encounter the fears of others we see their true essence regardless of their actions and understand that behind their fear they are simply pure love.  Our circumstances can remain the same but when we shift our awareness from fear to love we accept everything just as it is knowing that nothing can take us away from that which we were meant to be.
beach Pure Love
When I experience setbacks and feel a little out of touch I find that getting out in nature or connecting with other people can bring me back to myself.  I look at a tree, a flower, a baby or an animal and quiet my mind focusing on their essence.  I breathe in the air and deeply feel my connection to all that is by remembering that the same infinite life force flows through everything and the only thing that can interfere with that connection is the illusion we sometimes choose to believe that ignites our fears.  The choice is always ours, will we choose love or will we choose fear.
The moment I truly came to know and understand that Pure Love is the essence of who we are I began to naturally express myself with gratitude for everyone and everything that crosses my path throughout my journey.  I accept each experience with an open heart, I feel a sense of peace like never before and I am overflowing with excitement for the mystery of what is yet to come.  Life is a gift and we come into this world with all that we need to live a beautiful existence – pure loving energy.
I believe that the greatest gift we can give ourselves, our loved ones and the world in its entirety is to know and feel that we are never separate from anything.
We are universal energy – we are one with everything and everyone – we are life – WE ARE PURE LOVE.
From my heart to yours,
Happy Valentine’s Day!

source: http://www.supersouls.com/2014/02/13/pure-love/

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